Two thousand years ago a man called Jesus lived in a distant part of the Roman Empire at the eastern end of the Mediterranean Sea.  From his childhood those who knew him were struck by his good and loving nature, but then from the age of about 30 many began to be captivated by his wise teaching; Jesus seemed to understand not only what life was really like, but also what God was really like.  On top of that he did many amazing miracles.

But then Jesus was arrested, falsely accused, and brutally executed as a common criminal by hanging on a cross.  However, his story wasn’t over; two days after his death he was seen alive again by his followers and their lives were transformed.

Even to this day Jesus’ story continues to be remembered and re-told to each new generation.  It’s re-told not just because of his great wisdom, but also because of the conviction that in Jesus God revealed himself to the world and, more wonderfully, did something loving for the world.

Jesus is at the heart of everything we do at Padiham Parish.  Whether you know next to nothing about him, or come with years of learning, we welcome you to our churches to find out more.

Maybe you have questions?

What exactly do Christians believe?

For a helpful, short explanation of the Christian faith follow this link to the “What is Christianity” page on the Christianity Explored website. Click here to visit the page.

I’ve never been to church before. What do I do?

Just turn up!  You’ll get a friendly welcome.  You can sit anywhere in church.  You won’t get lost in the service because the minister always gives out page numbers in the books and there are instructions about sitting/standing.

I wasn’t brought up or baptised in the Church of England. Does that matter?

Absolutely not!  We’re unashamedly a Church of England parish and do things the Anglican way but that doesn’t mean people from other backgrounds (or none) don’t feel welcome and at home with us.  First and foremost we’re a Christian Church and only second would we say that we’re Church of England.

What do I do when the service is Holy Communion?

Often our services include Holy Communion (the Bread and the Wine); if you’ve never taken Holy Communion we invite you to come to the communion rail for a prayer for God’s blessing – simply come forward with the people sitting around you and kneel at the rail with your hands by your sides to show you’re not taking the bread and wine.  If you don’t feel comfortable with this no one will mind; just stay in your pew and enjoy listening to the choir!  If you want to look into receiving the bread and the wine then please contact or speak to one of the clergy.


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